Booking & Prices
Easy Booking Process
To book your stay, simply add the number of guests and your contact information on the provided forms. This will calculate the total price for your holiday or short break. If you’re planning a stay longer than 4 nights with children, contact Emily directly. She can offer a better deal by adjusting your booking based on the duration of your stay. Payment options are available in the ‘book’ section.

Flexible Stays and Deposits
We require a minimum stay of two nights, but if you need to stay just one night, reach out to us at or call Emily directly, and we will do our best to accommodate you. A minimum deposit of 50% is required to reserve your booking, with the balance due at least four weeks before arrival. Please note that the deposit is non-refundable unless we can re-book your dates at the same rate.
Special Requests
For those requiring special arrangements such as hiring both caravan areas together, or bringing additional tents for extra guests, our standard booking system may not suffice. If this applies to you, please contact us directly by phone or email, and we will likely be able to accommodate your needs.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or need further information, do not hesitate to get in touch via phone at 07969818991 or email at We are here to help ensure your booking and stay go as smoothly as possible.